Closing Communication Gaps
Physician to patient communication is the epicenter of healthcare – right in the exam room.
Verilogue has more experience – in more disease states – than anyone else, and we’re the only research partner with full-time medical linguists on our staff. Through our collection of over 150,000 real interactions, we can help you look retrospectively or prospectively at conversations recorded daily.
Only Verilogue takes you inside the exam room, the doctor’s office, the hospital, the pharmacy, and even patients’ actual homes to capture these conversations in their natural environments. Using digital recording devices or our smartphone application, members of Verilogue’s physician panel record their conversations with select patients each month. Physicians also provide patient chart information and attitudinal data for valuable added context to each interaction they submit.
Top Conversational Gaps in the Exam Room
Physicians’ conceptualization of disease and treatment differs from the way patient’s view their condition
- Physician and patient treatment goals are not aligned, impacting patient acceptance and buy-in to taking medication and modifying lifestyle
Doctors and patients have different agendas which affect the way each one approaches the conversation
- Physicians have goals of efficiency, relevant information gathering
- Patient goals are focused on relationship-building & total information
Opportunities for improved patient engagement through education
- Physicians commonly speak to patients in highly technical, clinical language, which can confuse and overwhelm patients
Opportunities for improved patient education
- Physicians sometimes assume the patient fully understands the details of living with and managing their disease
There is an opportunity for increased patient-centered decision making
- Patients’ involvement in the treatment decision is minimal, and important aspects such as cost and patient health assessments can be omitted from the office visit
Why do These Gaps Matter?
of First-Time Prescriptions Not Filled
of All Prescriptions go Unconsumed
“One study says that patients forget up to 80% of what clinicians have told them in the exam room, and of what they actually do remember, half is incorrect.”